
making sense of it all

Sometimes life doesn't make sense, and it certainly doesn't slow down long enough for you to catch your breath and figure things out. Last month I mentioned that my husband lost his job and that we were entering a season of uncertainty. Things have begun to unfold and we can see purpose in what lies behind. We've also found hope and anticipation in what lies ahead. One of the things we knew we needed to do was to sell our house. Owning a home ties us to this area and it looks like a move is imminent. We put our house on the market several weeks ago and have had several people walk through. Mostly they like the house but don't want all the land.

Have we started packing yet? No, but we probably should. It seems like we just unpacked. Thankfully, we have several boxes that didn't get unpacked from our last move. :)

Several people have asked if we feel sad about leaving behind a home that we put so much work into. We don't. Not one bit. I keep thinking that maybe we were supposed to get it ready for someone else to live in, just like what happened with our sweet little house in Spokane. The couple who lived there before us pulled up the carpet, refinished the hardwood floors, painted the trim white and all of the rooms colors I would have chosen myself. Back then, I had 4 young children and a husband in school full-time. There was no way I could have done all of that work. I was so thankful. They lived in Spokane for only a year and a half before the military transferred them. I really think they prepared the house for our family, and I've been praying that the work we've done here might bless some family in ways we might not ever know. One thing I've learned during these past few years is that nothing is ever wasted with God. He redeems things that seem worthless, messy, ugly and confusing. For this I am thankful. We feel so hopeful and excited about what lies ahead.


Unknown said...

I know that all of these things can be very stressful. I hope that things will continue to fall into place for your family. As a mother of three babies myself I know how much pressure we can put on ourselves bc well..we are the mommy's! But I send forth to you lots of prayers and hope and strength and courage as you move from this stage of your lives to another.

All my best, Bunny xox

Tonya said...

You are such an inspiration! i have been reading your blog for the past couple of years. Those years have been pretty tough for me. Any time i read your posts they are always full of hope and inspiration, they always put a smile on my face. and i pray i could have as much faith as you have. also praying for you family and for your husband to find a job.

Kathy M said...

You are a blessing!

Sarah Kate Branine said...

I really, really needed to read this tonight. Thank you so much.

~nanashouse~ said...

Remember Daddy always taught us to leave a place better than when we found it. Wisdom wrapped up in love.

Monica Porter said...

Love you, Jenny! Achin' to talk to you soon and get caught up on the Wilcox adventure :) Love your perspective on the house--what a beautiful blessing it is for someone to have gone ahead and "made preparations" (aka God). Will talk to you soon!

Miller Family said...

Jenny! Thank you so much. I really needed to read just those words tonight, as Thomas 10 week job loss blew through like a storm and moving is imminent for us as well. It is inspiring to me to see you go thru similar circumstances with such grace. Loved seeing you the other weekend! Praying for you. xo

Karen Ottenweller said...

I was wondering if a move was in the works...we ran by your house the other day and I saw the for sale sign. Excited for you and what lies ahead, but also understand the nervousness. We're also anticipating a move, but feels like it's unfolding slowly. God is definitely working on my patience and trust in Him.

Sarah Kate Branine said...

I know I've already commented on this post, but this stood out to me as I read your post again tonight--

"One thing I've learned during these past few years is that nothing is ever wasted with God. He redeems things that seem worthless, messy, ugly and confusing. For this I am thankful. We feel so hopeful and excited about what lies ahead."

Yes, yes, yes!