The Wind
by Robert Louis Stevenson
I saw you toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around I heard you pass,
Like ladies' skirts across the grass--
O wind, a-blowing all day long,
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
My kids had a day off from school today for teacher in-service. One thing I love about my kids is they never say the words, "I'm bored." They love to read, do puzzles, play imaginary games together, or play outside. I love this about them. This doesn't mean that we don't have the occasional squabbles, but for the most part, they're best buds.
Today and yesterday they did lots of kite flying.
My husband was off today, too, so we burned our pile of yard trimmings.
thought this was so funny...when I looked outside the window this
morning, all of our cows were huddled up against the burn pile and they
spent their entire day there.