
lil' makeover

I don't sew very often because the only good spot for my sewing machine is on our kitchen table.

If ever I need to work on a project, it needs to be put away before meal times and depending on the project, that's not always convenient.

This afternoon I reclaimed a section of the basement and cleared off a table that held boxes and piles of random things.

It felt good to clean up this area!

It still looks very basement-ish with the unpainted wall,
the pipes and the exposed ductwork,

but I already love being in this space.


Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

I love your little sewing space, too.

cedargirl said...

Yay! Good for you! To be able to have your area set up and leave a project going so you can get at it when you have time here and there makes all the difference. I created a small area beside my washer and dryer. It is my creative haven under the pipes too. Handy for getting laundry switched at night once the children are in bed though :)